My innovation day project

Problem that we had to solve

How can we provide electricity to community outdoor spaces in an energy efficient way that still maintains the safety and “fun”aesthetic of the space.

Research on Solar energy

The three main technologies are collectors/solar panels, reflectors, and solar cells. Solar energy is when a solar panel/solar collector takes the heat from the sun, then it’s made into energy. Solar collectors/solar panels are devices that absorb heat from the sun. A window that lets heat energy from the sun enter homes is called a passive solar collector/solar panels because there are no moving parts. Some other types of solar collectors/solar panels contain water in tubes that are heated by the sun. Solar collectors/solar panels like these are usually located on the roof of a building. The hot water in the tubes is then pumped to other parts of the building. These are called active solar collectors/solar panels because the heated water is moved by using pumps. Solar reflectors focus the sun’s heat energy on one spot by using mirrors or lenses. That spot then becomes so hot that if water is placed there it changes to steam. Large solar reflectors can make enough steam to use in a generator to produce electricity, small solar reflectors can also be used to cook food. Solar cells are another main technology that we developed to make energy. Solar cells transform light energy into electrical energy. Any light energy will work with a solar cell, it doesn’t have to be the sun’s light. But solar cells are too expensive to use where large amounts of electricity are needed. They are mainly used in places far from power lines and on space satellites. 

Our ideas

For solar energy we’re making an outdoor skating/hockey rink with lights powered by solar panels. We have two nets out of paper, lights powered from solar panels(It will work). To hold the lights up we used craft sticks.For the wind energy we’re making a drawing of how wind energy works. The wind energy could be used to power a carousel, ferris wheel, and roller coaster in another outdoor space.

By Readergirl and Zacheryp1

Les français

 Pendant notre cours d’Études Sociales avec Madame Sylvie, nous avons appris beaucoup de faits intéressants au sujet des Premiers Explorateurs. Pour conclure ce chapitre, nous devions choisir un groupe d’explorateurs de notre choix. Moi, j’ai choisi Les Français. Après ma recherche, j’ai préparé une présentation avec CANVA. Voici quelques faits intéressants que j’ai appris sur les Français.  Les Français sont venus au Canada en seize cents quatre. Jacques Cartier est allé au Canada avec deux bateaux, et soixante et une personnes. Les Français sont venus de France. Les français sont arrivés à l’Île St. Croix. Ils sont venus au Canada par chance, mais ils voulaient aller en Inde pour échanger les épices.

 Ci-dessous, vous trouverez mon projet

mon project